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2024 September 21, 2024

Cultivating Abundance by Åsa Sonjasdotter at Telemark Kunstmuseum

Telemark Kunstmuseum logo

Telemark Kunstmuseum logo

Åsa Sonjasdotter’s film Cultivating Abundance will be shown on loop at the “Av Jord” exhibition, presented by Telemark Kunstmuseum between September 21st and January 5th. The film reflects upon the invention of the breeding of monoculture crops in Sweden and the ideas of genetic ‘purity’ and ‘originality’. The exhibition is centered around different ways to thematise soil, food production, sustainability and growth – the very core of Rjukan and Notodden’s World Heritage history.

“Av Jord”, which is literally “Of Soil”, takes a critical look at our own industrial history. The invention of mineral fertilisers and the production of fertilisers on an industrial scale responded to a crisis in agriculture at the beginning of the 20th century. Curated by Susanne Grina Lange.

Work distributed by Filmform

Cultivating Abundance

Åsa Sonjasdotter

2022, 01:04:00