Svarvargatan 2, SE-112 49 Stockholm +46 (0)8-651 84 26 Newsletter MORE


Dedicated to preservation, promotion and worldwide distribution of Swedish experimental film and video art. Filmform (est. 1950) is the oldest existing organization of its kind in Sweden and is often engaged as an advisor to museums, galleries, universities and festivals. Filmform is supported by the Ministry of Culture through the Arts Grants Committee and the Swedish Arts Council.


You can visit our office to watch films from the Filmform archive or explore our collection of literature on experimental film. Please contact us to make an appointment.

Executive director and responsible editor: Anna-Karin Larsson
Staff: Timo Menke, Andreas Bertman, Mats Lundell, Elsa Forsman, Tove Appelqvist
Phone: + 46 (0)8-651 84 26
Location: Svarvargatan 2, 112 49 Stockholm (Kungsholmen)
Subway station: Fridhemsplan, exit S:t Göransgatan.


Filmforms lokal är belägen på markplan i den första lokalen i enkelriktade Svarvargatan 2 på Kungsholmen i Stockholm och nås genom normal entrédörr via ett trappsteg på 15 cm. Tillfällig ramp finns tillgänglig. Ledar- och assistanshundar är välkomna. Parkeringsplatser i närheten: Svarvargatan, Alströmergatan och Gjutargatan.

Filmforms hemsida publiceras genomgående på engelska. Kontakta Filmform för information på svenska. För filmer och excerpter som görs tillgängliga via hemsidan finns i regel undertexter och dialoglistor. Vi arbetar kontinuerligt för att förbättra tillgängligheten både av våra lokaler, hemsidan och våra aktiviteter. All kontakt via mejl och telefon sker på svenska eller engelska enligt önskemål.

Kontaktperson: Anna-Karin Larsson, verksamhetsledare eller 070-224 12 44

Informationen på denna sida uppdaterades senast i december 2022.


Filmform is located on the ground floor in the first premise in line of traffic at Svarvargatan 2 in Stockholm. Access is through a normal entrance door with a 15 cm step. A portable wheelchair ramp is available. Guide and assistance dogs are welcome. Parking spaces nearby: Svarvargatan, Alströmergatan and Gjutargatan.

Filmform’s website is mainly in English. Contact Filmform for information in Swedish. You can request subtitles and dialogue lists for films and excerpts made available on the website. We work continuously to improve the accessibility of our premises, the website and our activities. You can contact us via email and telephone in Swedish or English.

Contact person: Anna-Karin Larsson, director or 070-224 12 44

The information on this page was last updated in January 2024.

Assessment group

The assessment group consists of Johan Nyberg, Andreas Bertman and Anna-Karin Larsson. All members have specialist knowledge in the field of experimental film and video art as well as connections to vast networks and an expert understanding of international contexts.


  • Lars Gustaf Andersson (Chair of the board), Writer, Professor in Film Studies, Lund University
  • Åsa Anesäter, Legal adviser at The Swedish Writer’s Union
  • Hanna Ljungh, Artist
  • Lena Essling, Curator, Moving Image and Performance, Moderna Museet
  • Giorgiana Zachia, Head of function at Statens Konstråd
