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Olga Krüssenberg

No trees grow on Svalbard and the air is dry and cold. The absence of trees makes it hard to estimate the size of the mountains, while the dry air makes visibility possible over long distances. Half of the year the sun never sets on Svalbard. It circles its orbit without ever disappearing past the horizon. In winter, everything is in the shadow for months. What was visible is hard to see in the long night.

The environment—already in a state of slow collapse—is like a mirage: shapeshifting, hard to grasp. In my attempt to find a sense of safety in an environment that appeared elusive and prone to misinterpretation, film offered a means to structure narratives. Film’s ability to manipulate time, space, and perspective could mirror the fluid nature of narratives in such an unstable place.

Film became an excuse to approach the inhabitants and adjust my vision through their perception. Geopolitics, poetic memories from the sea ice, stories about the mountain having a female voice, time standing still in a ghost town, time running out as climate is destabilizing the place and the lack of a collective memory, are traces that introduce the viewer to different aspects of Svalbard.

Aspect ratio other
Prod. format Generic HD-video
Duration 00:28:47
Language Multiple languages
Color Color
Year 2024
Rent this work for public screenings

About the artist

Olga Krüssenberg

Olga Krüssenberg (b. 1995, Eslöv) works with moving image and installation where she investigates human and non-human memory. She has a master’s degree in fine art from the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and has studied documentary filmmaking at Biskops Arnö and Ölands Folkhögskola. Her films have been screened at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Tempo Dokumentärfestival, Tromsø International Film Festival and competed in Startsladden at Gothenburg Film Festival, Sweden’s biggest short film competition.