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Peter Weiss films at Jacobi Filmtheater GmbH, Merseburg

Domstadtkino logo

Domstadtkino logo

The programme “Der Schatten des Körpers des Kutschers”, presented by Ulrich Jacobi, will procede in a selection of shorts and texts from Peter Weiss. This will happen in Jacobi Filmtheater (Domstadtkino) on July 20th at 19:30. Ateljéinteriör/ The Studio of Dr. Faust, Ingenting ovanligt and Studie III will be shown for the occasion, to give an insight into the film work of Peter Weiss in Sweden, mostly known for playwright career abroad.

Works distributed by Filmform


Ateljéinteriör/The Studio of Dr. Faust

Peter Weiss

1956, 00:10:00


Ingenting ovanligt

Peter Weiss

1957, 00:09:00


Studie III

Peter Weiss

1953, 00:05:00

Peter Nestler’s Sightseeing screened in Berlin

Zeughauskino logo

Zeughauskino logo

Arranged by Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum and curated by Jörg Frieß, Sightseeing by Peter Nestler will be screened at Zeughauskino/Pei-Bau in Berlin on the 28th of June. The screening is a part of the short film programme “Es ist Krieg” in the retrospective ” Nicht versöhnt. Der Dokumentarfilmemacher Peter Nestler”. The programme gives insight in Nestler’s documentary and educational films in which he explores various topics such as war, working conditions, exploitation and structural change, the destruction of nature through industrial intervention, anti-Semitism etc.


Notizen zu Peter Nestler: Sightseeing

Stockholm ist eine schöne Stadt an diesem Tag. Der Himmel ist noch blauer als das Meer. Die repräsentativen Gebäude sind renoviert, die Straßen sauber, über dem Kastellet weht die schwedische Flagge. Es gibt viel moderne Architektur und Kunst zu sehen, im öffentlichen Raum wie in den Museen. Die hübschen und immer lächelnden blonden Menschen genießen den Sommer in ihrer farbenfrohen Kleidung, die auf dem 16mm- Umkehrmaterial, auf dem Sightseeing gedreht wurde, noch intensiver leuchtet. Wir folgen einer Stadtrundfahrt auf dem Wasser. Die Fremdenführerin, wie man damals wohl noch sagte, weist in englischer Sprache auf das 1628 gesunkene und nun im Hafen geborgene Kriegsschiff Vasa hin, das für eine museale Nutzung restauriert wird.

Peter Nestlers Stimme unterbricht: „Das zeigt, dass die Gesellschaftsstruktur und das Lebensmuster der Demokratischen Republik Vietnam intakt sind. Keine Bombardierung, wie umfassend sie auch sein wird, kann sie zerschlagen.“ Bild- und Textebene gehen fortan getrennte Wege. Peter Nestler spricht über den Krieg in Vietnam, über Flächenbombardierungen, die Kriegsführung gegen die Zivilbevölkerung, die Infrastruktur und die Landwirtschaft, während die Kamera den friedlichen Alltag der schwedischen Hauptstadt einfängt.

Man hätte bereits zu Beginn misstrauisch werden können, denn das erste Bild des Films war eine im Wind wehende US-amerikanische Flagge, unterlegt mit dem von Peter Nestler gesprochenen Vorspann: „Sightseeing. Film von Peter Nestler, der aus einem Bericht von Peter Weiss zitiert. Gemacht 1968. Kamera: Arne Palm.“

Einzelne Bilder stechen heraus, stören die Anmutung eines Imagefilms fürs Stockholmer Tourismusbüro: Im Yachthafen brennt ein Boot, ein kurzer Moment des Kontrollverlustes in dieser so aufgeräumten und sauberen Stadt. Später steht ein adrett gekleideter Polizist in einiger Entfernung vor einem modernen Gebäude. Die Kamera zoomt an ihm vorbei: „Embassy of the United States of America“ ist auf der Fassade zu lesen. Auch die Griechische Botschaft – die Militärdiktatur kam im Jahr zuvor mit Unterstützung der CIA an die Macht – und das US Trade Center werden bewacht. Im Schaufenster das Modell einer Concorde der TWA, eine gescheiterte Vision, militärische Technologie für die zivile Luftfahrt zu nutzen. Vor dem königlichen Palast steht ein Soldat mit Bajonett, aufgepflanzt auf ein Maschinengewehr.

Aber das alles scheint niemanden weiter zu stören. Während in Stockholm hemmungslos konsumiert wird, pflanzt man um „die großen Bombenkrater (…) Spinat und Melonen. In den wassergefüllten Kratern setzt man Fische aus. Wenn ein Fahrweg oder ein Damm zerstört wird, ist bereits ein neuer gebaut ihn zu ersetzen. Wenn eine Brücke getroffen wird, geht man an einer anderen Stelle über den Fluss. Der Feind kann nicht alles gleichzeitig bombardieren. (…) Eines Tages wird die Frage gestellt werden: Können die Vereinigten Staaten dieses Massaker ohne Nachrechnungen durchführen? Wir müssen schon jetzt eine weltumfassende Meinung schaffen, die die Vereinigten Staaten vor die Forderung stellt, mindestens die Kosten für den Wiederaufbau Vietnams zu zahlen.“
Mit diesen Worten endet Sightseeing. Dazu zu sehen ist eine trist wirkende Straße. Die Fenster der Häuser sind teilweise vernagelt. Im Hintergrund steht ein Militärfahrzeug.
Das war vor sechsundfünfzig Jahren. Was hat sich seitdem verändert, außer den Ländernamen in den Nachrichten?

Text: Frederik Lang
Source: Jugend Ohne Film

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Work distributed by Filmform


Peter Nestler

1968, 00:10:00

Diagonalsymfonin by Viking Eggeling at ToboKulturFest

ToboKulturFest Logo

“The Works and Days” and “One Plus One 2” screened at HfbK Hamburg

Logo HFBK Hamburg

The Works and Days (Of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin) and The Works and Days by Anders Edström and C.W. Winter for seminar screenings at HFBK Hamburg between 23-24 May. The first film is an 8 hour long description, over five seasons, of a family, of a terrain, of a sound space, and of a passage of time. The latter, explores an idea of delivering with a restraint that emerges over extended time through simple shots: Some work, lunch, television, a walk, some guitar. Curator of the programme is Bernd Schoch.

Works distributed by Filmform


The Works and Days (Of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin)

C.W. Winter & Anders Edström

2020, 08:00:00


One Plus One 2

C.W. Winter & Anders Edström

2002, 00:49:00

The Third Part of “Svenska Berättelser” programme at Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus

Film i Samtidskonsten – Logga

This third part of the programme takes place on Friday May 17th at Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus. It will feature Sven Elfström’s Utveckling?, a political montage in reaction to social injustice, infused with the search for both personal and social liberation. Also, there will be Förvandla Sverige from Jan Lindqvist & Stefan Jarl, that exposes Swedish class society and environmental politics, including some amateur footage shot by one of Lindqvist’s relatives. And then,Diamantfolket by Sara Jordenö, who returns to her birthplace in Robertsfors and meets people whose lives have been decisively changed by the closure of the town’s diamond factory.

Work distributed by Filmform



Sven Elfström

1971, 00:06:00


Förvandla Sverige

Jan Lindqvist & Stefan Jarl

1974, 00:30:00



Sara Jordenö

2016, 00:30:59

Twerka för Jemen in 2 veckor i maj programme at Teater Tribunalen

2 Veckor i Maj programme

Tanja Holm’s Twerka för Jemen will be screened at Teater Tribunalen in “2 Veckor i Maj” programme on May 11th 2024. The event, that consist of several screenings and workshops is organised by the Swedish-Jemini friendship association. Curator of the programme is Karolina Willebrand Vinnberg.

Work distributed by Filmform

Twerka för Jemen

Tanja Holm

2023, 00:10:05

SCHMEERGUNTZ at Cinemateket Stockholm

Svenska Filminstitutet logo

SCHMEERGUNTZ by Gunvor Nelson and Dorothy Wiley will be shown at Cinemateket Stockholm on May 6th. The screening is organised in the context of “Feministisk filmkultur” event, that is part of the Cinemateket’s “Forskning om film/Research on film” programme which focuses on film studies in terms of an academic subject, as well as film history, theory, research, aesthetics, production, distribution and reception. The program has been put together by Ingrid Ryberg, docent in film studies at the University of Gothenburg, who is currently writing a book Swedish Film Feminism: Agitating Exceptionalism During the Second Wave, about Swedish feminist film culture during the 1970s.

Work distributed by Filmform


Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley

1966, 00:15:00

Filmform news 2024 at the 70th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen

A selection of new acquisitions from the Filmform distribution catalogue will be presented in the programme Filmform News 2024 at the 70th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen on May 3rd. The programme will be presented by Anna-Karin Larsson & Andreas Bertman from Filmform.

Works distributed by Filmform


Killing Time

Kent Klich

2011, 00:11:22


Exemplary Unfailed Experience

Felice Hapetzeder

2019, 00:10:55



Peter Nestler

1968, 00:10:00


The Sun to me is Dark

Lina Selander & Oscar Mangione

2023, 00:08:30



Staffan Lamm

2006, 00:09:27


Out of Time

Dror Feiler

2024, 00:00:00

The second part of “Svenska Berättelser” programme at Beau Travail gallery

Film i Samtidskonsten – Logga

The second part of this programme is taking place on Saturday 27th at Beau Travail Gallery in Stockholm. This time focus is on the extremes that can be perceived as tangible and the meta levels in some cases palpable. Andrew Hibbert & Lola Möller’s Bagman about a sluggishly reflective mass murderer, Salad Hilowle’s Svart television that shows treatment of Swedish stereotypes and the representation of Afro-Swedes in the media, Svitjod 2000+ by Mårten Nilsson & David Flamholc, a punky road movie through rural Sweden, and Felice Hapetzeder’s Stockholm 1970 tells the story of a shattered illusion and a critique of the self-sufficiency of Swedish culture. Nathalie Åhbeck and Martin Grennberger are the programme’s curators.

Work distributed by Filmform



Lola Möller & Andrew Hibbert

1993, 00:18:00


Stockholm 1970

Felice Hapetzeder

2003, 00:10:00


Svitjod 2000

Mårten Nilsson & David Flamholc

2000, 00:10:36


Svart television

Salad Hilowle

2021, 00:30:30

Red Shift screened at Open City Festival

Banner Open City Documentary Festival 2024

Red Shift by Gunvor Nelson will be screened on April 25th at ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) in the special programme during Open City Documentary Festival London. Following on from last year’s illustrated lecture “Cinematic Grandmothers, Feminist Historicity”, “Grandma’s Grammar” will be a 5-screening programme curated by Will Swinburne. This programme traces the persistence of the figure of the grandmother as locus of feminist historicity in non-fiction film, considering the grandmother as cinematic medium and privileged subject for modelling alternative modes of storytelling, inter-generational genealogies, and archives of memory and lived experience.

Work distributed by Filmform


Gunvor Nelson

1984, 00:50:00

“SCHMEERGUNTZ” in Women of Canyon Cinema programme in San Francisco

2024 Women's History Month Theme: "Our Bodies, Our Stories" Banner

Schmeerguntzby Gunvor Nelson and Dorothy Wiley is being screened in the programme “Women of Canyon Cinema” at Roxie Theater on April 22nd. The event is a part of a larger programme called “Our Bodies, Our Stories”, a Women’s History Month Theme at the City College of San Francisco. Prof. Denah Johnston is the programme’s curator.

Work distributed by Filmform


Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley

1966, 00:15:00

Vedergällning screened at Filmforum in Cologne

IFFF 2024 Banner

Vedergällning by Hanna Ljungh will be screened in the programme “Die Lange Filmnacht (The Film All-Nighter)” on April 19th. The programme is a part of the 41st edition of IFFF (Internationales Frauen Film Fest), which is once again a guest at the Filmforum NRW in Cologne and presents current works by directors from all over the world. This year’s focus: Rage & Horror, Panorama and some specials. The programme is curated by Pavlos Gkegkas.

Work distributed by Filmform


Hanna Ljungh

2007, 00:04:32

Films by Marte Aas and Maja Borg screened in Montréal!

Logo Dazibao Art Centre

Exhibition “Futur antérieur. Missing What Will Be Missed” is taking place at Dazibao Centre in Montréal. Works by 13 local, Canadian and international artists are brought together to address notions of futurity in regards to the ecological crisis. Among them are also What I Miss About People, and What I Don’t Miss About People by Marte Aas and Ottica Zero by Maja Borg. The films will be shown in a loop screening between April 18th – June 15th. Emma-Kate Guimond is the programme’s curator.

Work distributed by Filmform


What I Miss About People, and What I Don't Miss About People

Marte Aas

2017, 00:10:51


Ottica Zero

Maja Ray Borg

2007, 00:13:00

Paula Urbano’s film in “Filmkväll” programme at Köttinspektionen

The Refugee of The Sorrowful Figure by Paula Urbano, 2015

Paula Urbano’s Paula Urbano’s Flyktingen av den sorgliga skepnaden (The Refugee of The Sorrowful Figure) will be screened in the programme “Filmkväll” on April 13th at the Köttispektionen in Uppsala. The film delves into the question of immigration and being a refugee in today’s Sweden. Curator of the program is Alba Folgado.

Work distributed by Filmform

Flyktingen av den sorgliga skepnaden

Paula Urbano

2015, 00:43:52

Konstnärsdag med Axel Petersén på FIlmform

Axel Petersen

Fredagen den 12 april ger Axel Petersén en introduktion till Filminstitutets stödsystem utifrån sin nya roll som konsulent för kortfilm och nya format – med många år som filmskapare i det överlappande fältet mellan bildkonst och film.

Axel Petersén har sedan millenieskiftet varit verksam som manusförfattare, konstnär och regissör med fokus på rörlig bild. Bland hans långfilmer kan nämnas Avalon (2011), Toppen av ingenting (tillsammans med Måns Månsson, 2018) och Syndabocken (2023). Flera av Axel Peterséns verk finns sedan många år representerade i Filmforms distributionskatalog. Uppdraget som konsulent för kortfilm och nya format innebär bland annat att lyfta fram nya röster och utmana de filmiska gränserna. Axel är utbildad i filmregi, fri konst och konsthistoria bland annat på FAMU, Academy of Performing Arts i Prag och Kungl. Konsthögskolan i Stockholm. Flera av hans filmer har visats och nominerats till priser, både i Sverige och internationellt.

Innan och efter Axel Peterséns genomgång finns möjlighet att träffa Filmforms medarbetare, ställa frågor och lämna in kompletterande material (såsom kontrakt, master-och visningsfiler samt texter, porträtt och stillbilder).

OSA gärna till för att säkra en plats till genomgången.


13.00: Dörrarna öppnas, Filmform bjuder på fika

14.00 – 15.30: Presentation med Axel Petersén

15.30 – 17.00: Öppet hus

FILMFORM’s works in Svenska berättelser programme

FiS Logo

During April and May, Nathalie Åhbeck and Martin Grennberger are preparing a three-part programme Svenska berättelser at Zita Folkets Bio (April 10th), Beau Travail (April 27th) and Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus (May 17th), organised by FiS (Film i Samtidskonsten). Svenska berättelser is a film program of films spanning seven decades and across the rich Swedish documentary tradition. It includes mockumentaries, art films as well as early video works and experimental films. This year the focus is on the following artist: Staffan Lamm, Lina Selander, Felice Hapetzeder, Salad Hilowle, Mårten Nilsson & David Flamholc, Lola Möller & Andrew Hibbert, Sara Jordenö and Jan Lindqvist & Stefan Jarl. The majority of films take the form of storytelling experiments, which resist being easily sorted and categorized, but which nevertheless depict the breaking points between the old and the new.

Work distributed by Filmform



Staffan Lamm

1981, 00:27:45


27 Kilometer Drawing

Lina Selander

2002, 00:07:00



Lola Möller & Andrew Hibbert

1993, 00:18:00


Stockholm 1970

Felice Hapetzeder

2003, 00:10:00


Svitjod 2000

Mårten Nilsson & David Flamholc

2000, 00:10:36


Svart television

Salad Hilowle

2021, 00:30:30



Sven Elfström

1971, 00:06:00


Förvandla Sverige

Jan Lindqvist & Stefan Jarl

1974, 00:30:00



Sara Jordenö

2016, 00:30:59

“EADNI” and “Faces” in Boxen at Västernorrlands museum

Västernorrlands museum Logo

During the month of April,Västernorrlands Museum will show two films that revolve around identity in relation to landscape and nature – Faces and EADNI by Liselotte Wajstedt. The programme is part of Museum’s film section called “Boxen” that will loop Wajstedt’s films between April 1st-30th. Curator of the programme is Karolina Aastrup.

Work distributed by Filmform



Liselotte Wajstedt

2023, 00:07:00



Liselotte Wajstedt

2008, 00:03:29


Cover: Workers in Song 2024

Exhibition “Workers in Song” is taking place at MUDAM in Luxembourg between 29 March – 9 June 2024. Workers in Song is the latest iteration of an ongoing collaborative project by composer Billy Bultheel (b. 1987, Brussels) and visual artist James Richards (b. 1983, Cardiff). At Mudam, Bultheel and Richards present a choreographed performance with live music alongside film screenings of HEVN by P.Staff, My Name is Oona by Gunvor Nelson and Studio Floor Rotation by Josh Tonsfeldt. “Workers in Song” seeks to confront the viewer with paradoxical sensations of pleasure and discomfort. It alludes to the depth of human existence, beauty, death, sex, loneliness, nostalgia, togetherness, and their intricate relationships. Curators of the programme are Joel Valabrega, Clémentine Proby and Nathalie Lesure.

Work distributed by Filmform


Gunvor Nelson

1969, 00:10:00

Get off at the Courtisane festival

Courtisane Festival 2024 Banner

Get Off by Elin Magnusson will be screened during the 23rd edition of the Courtisane festival happening between March 27th-31st. Magnusson’s film is shown in the programme “IT DRIPS, IT SPLASHES, IT BURNS, IT SCRAPES” on March 30th in the Paddenhoek cinema. That programme is curated by Ditte Claus. Entrance is free, but reservations are recommended.

Work distributed by Filmform

Get Off

Elin Magnusson

2009, 00:06:00

FILMFORM’s works screened in “INTERPLAY” programme at CNEMA

Interplay 2024 Banner

CNEMA in Norrköping is hosting a programme called Interplay between March 22nd and 24th. Among the films selected by Lars Jonsson, on March 23rd there will be a screening of multiple works from FILMFORM’s catalogue. That programme is shown in two sections: First, classics with early video art from the 70s and 80s by, among others, Kjartan Slettemark, Teresa Wennberg and Gunvor Nelson. Then more contemporary films, by Christine Ödlund, Hannah Ljung, Maria von Hausswolf and films with some Norrköping context by Kim Ekberg.

Work distributed by Filmform


Studie II/Hallucinationer

Peter Weiss

1952, 00:05:19


Norma or Gene

Suzanne Nessim & Teresa Wennberg

1979, 00:11:00


Music For Your Eyes

Hans (Esse Li) Esselius

1971, 00:02:29


I videohuvet på en konstnär

Kjartan Slettemark

1983, 00:10:32


Video or Not To Be

Kjartan Slettemark

1985, 00:04:23



Gunvor Nelson

2001, 00:09:00


How to Civilize a Waterfall

Hanna Ljungh

2010, 00:03:53


New Centuries are Rare


2023, 00:11:40


Graders ökning

Christine Ödlund

2003, 00:04:13


Alien Tourist

Maria Hausswolff, von

2017, 00:14:44



Kim Ekberg

2022, 00:14:32

“Untitled Abisko” in Museum Ostwall in Dortmund

Green Culture Week Banner 2024

On March 20th “Green Culture Week” programme in Ostwall Museum in Dortmund is showing the films Untitled Abisko by Sophie Vuković and It is Night in América by Ana Vaz. Both filmmakers approach human-shaped landscapes in their works shot on 16mm. Sophie Vuković interweaves shots of the northern Swedish mountain landscape, which is changing dramatically due to climate change, while Ana Vaz’s experimental documentary shows the planned city of Brasília, built in the middle of the rainforest. Curator of the programme is Christina Danick.

Work distributed by Filmform

Untitled Abisko

Sophie Vuković

2020, 00:19:20

Twerka för Jemen at Scen Sundsvall

Twerk for Yemen, Tanja Holm, 2023

Twerka för Jemen by Tanja Holm will be shown on March 12th at Scen Sundsvall in the programme that is focused around Swedish short films from 2023. The programme, which is organised in collaboration with Film Västernorrland, is curated by Helén Lindfors.

Work distributed by Filmform

Twerka för Jemen

Tanja Holm

2023, 00:10:05

BAC is screening Fia-Stina Sandlund’s both “ACTS”

PEACE TALKS Programme 2024

Baltic Art Center (BAC) is organising a programme “PEACE TALKS – Three evenings about and with the peace movement in Gotland”, which is dedicated to exploring peace work in a wider context and in a longer time perspective. The first evening is taking place on March 7th and will feature a screening of art videos with a peace theme. Among the films presented are also Act 1: An Idealistic Attempt and Act 2: Reconstruction of An Action That Never Took Place by Fia-Stina Sandlund. The programme is curated by Kalle Brolin.

Work distributed by Filmform


Act 1: An Idealistic Attempt

Fia-Stina Sandlund

2007, 00:12:55


Act 2: reconstruction of an action that never took place

Fia-Stina Sandlund

2007, 00:17:05

SCHMEERGUNTZ in the EYE Filmmuseum!

Poster This is Film! 2024

SCHMEERGUNTZ by Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley will be screened as a part of the programme “This is Film!” on March 6th in the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam. This programme explores the curatorial and historiographic thinking that informed the project “No Master Territories: Feminist Worldmaking and the Moving Image,” an exhibition and cinema programme that originated at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin in 2022. After the screening, there will be a conversation led by programme’s curator Aileen Ye and Q&A in collaboration with the Master students of the “This is Film!” class at the University of Amsterdam.

Work distributed by Filmform


Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley

1966, 00:15:00

“De Geers filmarkiv” at Stadsmuseet

Stadsmuseet Stockholm Logo

Between February 24th and April 20th there will be three separate screenings of films by Carl Johan De Geer at the Stadsmuseet in Stockholm. The exhibition is titled “De Geer’s film archive” and is dedicated to the artist himself. There will be an additional, fourth screening of all titles on April 20th during Kulturnatten.

Work distributed by Filmform


Med kameran som tröst, del 2

Carl Johan De Geer

2004, 01:10:00


Mormor, Hitler och jag

Carl Johan De Geer

2001, 00:17:00



Carl Johan De Geer

2002, 00:09:00


Jag minns Håkan Alexandersson

Carl Johan De Geer

2006, 00:14:00


Jag minns Lena Svedberg

Carl Johan De Geer

2000, 00:06:34

FILMFORM’s works screened at Bio Valand

Göteborgs University Logo

Multiple films from FILMFORM’s catalogue will be screened at Bio Valand in Göteborg on February 22nd. The programme, arranged by HDK-Valand (from Göteborgs University) includes films from various artists: from Peter Weiss and Gunvor Nelson to Hamza and Cecilia Lundqvist. Curator of the programme is Daniel Jewesbury.

Work distributed by Filmform


Yo también soy humo / I Am Also Smoke

Runo Lagomarsino

2020, 00:03:16


her master's voice

Cecilia Lundqvist

2018, 00:01:47


Mass - Monument for a Capitalist Society

Åsa Sjöström

1976, 00:14:00


Det underbara mötet

Mihail Livada

1949, 00:11:08


The Secret of the Desert


2022, 00:03:25


Ateljéinteriör/The Studio of Dr. Faust

Peter Weiss

1956, 00:10:00



Gunvor Nelson

1969, 00:10:00


Enligt lag

Peter Weiss & Hans Nordenström

1957, 00:20:00

Exhibition dedicated to Olivier Herdies at TECKNINGSMUSEET

Teckningsmuseet Logo

“Olivier Herdies – Levande sitt eget liv” is the name of the exhibition that’s taking place at Teckningsmuseet, dedicated to the Belgian-Swedish artist himself. Between February 17th – May 26th his film Popen kommer till stan, a documentary film about the rise of the pop art scene in Stockholm, will be shown in the form of a loop screening. Curator of the programme is Maria Wikrén.

Work distributed by Filmform

Popen kommer till stan

Olivier Herdies

1964, 00:33:00

“Sunsets” in the exhibition at Galleri CC

Galleri CC Logo

“When the Sun Goes Down” exhibition, that is taking place at Galleri CC from February 2nd – March 3rd, shows a selection of artworks where light and shadow act as resources and as silent co-narrators. On of the works that will be looped is Lisa Tan’s Sunsets, which serves as the main analogy for the exhibitions title that points to the spatiotemporal moment when the sunlight is about to disappear and be replaced by our concerns about its absence. Curator of the programme is Sara Rossling.

Work distributed by Filmform


Lisa Tan

2012, 00:22:30

FILMFORM’s works screened at Stockholms University

University of Stockholm Logo

During Malin Wahlberg’s course “Images of Sweden 2” at the University of Stockholm there will be a screening that includes works by two artist from FILMFORM’s catalogue. Tova Mozard’s Psychic and Liselotte Wajstedt’s EADNI and The Girl Kiruna will be show on February 2nd. Coordinator of the programme is Jessica Ewerlöf.

Work distributed by Filmform



Tova Mozard

2019, 00:18:30



Liselotte Wajstedt

2023, 00:07:00


The Girl Kiruna

Liselotte Wajstedt

2020, 00:10:00

“If I Remember My Dreams by the Color They Are…” in the exhibition at Bohuslän’s museum

Banner Embers and Stars 2024

If I Remember My Dreams by the Color They Are… by Maria Magnusson will be looped in a display at Bohuslän’s museum in the exhibition Embers and Stars, between January 27th – April 21st. The exhibition Embers and Stars brings together five artists who have many points of contact – creation being the most obvious one, but also desire, longing and friendship. Curator of the programme is Agneta von Zeipel.

Work distributed by Filmform

I Remember My Dreams by the Colour They Are...

Maria Magnusson

2011, 00:04:21

Filmform at IFFR 2024

IFFR logo

Starting next week, a number of Filmform related activities will be taking place at the 2024 edition of International Filmfestival Rotterdam (IFFR).

We are excited to share that the film Isblink (2024) by Olga Krüssenberg, distributed by Filmform and produced by Sisyfos Film, will have its world premiere at IFFR in the Short & Mid-length section programme Finding Shelter. Representatives from Filmform and Sisyfos film together with Olga Krüssenberg and cinematographer Christine Leuhusen will be present at the premiere night at KINO 3 on Friday, 26th January, starting 8.30 PM. The programme is also scheduled for Saturday 27th January (2 PM at Lantaren Venster 6) and Friday 2nd February (12.30 PM at Cinerama 3).

World premiere! Finding Shelter
Friday, 26th January, 8.30, KINO 3


Olga Krüssenberg

2024, 00:14:18

Together with our international colleagues within the distributor network DINAMO (Distribution Network of Artists’ Moving Image Organizations), Filmform will participate with two joint programmes.

The first one, a cinema screening and presentation, will be held at KINO 4 on Saturday 27th January starting 1.30 PM in the programme Disinformation. For this programme Filmforms presents the film Diagram of Transfer nr 1 (2018) by Lina Selander and Oscar Mangione. The programme will be introduced by Filmform’s Anna-Karin Larsson and Andreas Bertman.

In addition to the cinematic programme, a looped exhibition with works from the DINAMO group will be running at venues, Joey Ramone and de Doelen between 26th January – 3rd February, which includes Hang Ten Sunset (2000) by Katarina Löfström from Filmform.

DINAMO: Disinformation
Saturday 27th January, 1.30 PM, KINO 4

Överföringsdiagram nr 1

Lina Selander & Oscar Mangione

2018, 00:08:30

DINAMO presentation at, Joey Ramone and de Doelen
26th January - 3rd February, normal opening hours

Hang Ten Sunset

Katarina Löfström

2000, 00:08:23

San Francisco Cinematheque screens ” Sunspots and Solar Flare”!

Banner "I Hear a New World" 2024

San Francisco Cinematheque presents the programme “I Hear a New World: Deconstructing the Musical”, a collection of works appraising, celebrating and at times critiquing the intoxicating spectacle of the filmed musical and dance film through gestures of appropriation, revision and citation. Among the works show on January 17th at 4 Star Theater in San Francisco, there will be a screening of Sunspots and Solar Flare by Maria Magnusson. The programme is curated by Steve Polta, Artistic Director at San Francisco Cinematheque.

Work distributed by Filmform

Sunspots and Solar Flare

Maria Magnusson

2013, 00:02:33

Aktivering Samtal! screened at Berlin University of the Arts

Institute for Art in Context Logo

Professor at Berlin University of the Arts Claudia Hummel is organising a screening ofAction Dialogue!/Aktivering Samtal! by Mats Eriksson Dunér during the seminar “Lernräume – architektonisch, künstlerisch, politisch und sozial”. The film will be shown on January 13th.

Work distributed by Filmform

Aktivering Samtal!

Mats Eriksson Dunér

2020, 00:58:00